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Moisturizing Body Cream
Product description
Moisturizing BODY Cream is a rich and nourishing skincare product designed to provide deep hydration and nourishment to the skin. This cream-based formula helps to replenish and lock in moisture, leaving the skin soft, smooth, and supple. Enriched with moisturizing ingredients, it helps to improve the skin’s elasticity and restore its natural radiance. With its luxurious texture and long-lasting hydration, this moisturizing cream is suitable for all skin types and can be used daily to maintain a healthy and hydrated complexion.
It contains
Shea butter, Ceramide, Cocoa butter, Urea, Panthenol, Allantoin, Glycerin, Calendula extract, Honey, Vitamin E, Olive oil, Wheat germ oil, Castor oil.
How to use
Apply a thin layer of cream on the skin then rub well and repeated when needed.
395,00 EGP
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